Americans voted to keep their commander in chief, but the country is still in for real national security change in the coming months. There will be a new secretary of state, potential new secretary of defense, more transitions in Washington, and continued challenges abroad. Iran’s nuclear program, Syria’s civil war, and the Afghanistan war are just a few of the issues that will be high on the agenda. And then there is the issue of the fiscal cliff and the possible sequestration of $500 billion in defense funds if Congress does not act to stop it. What will change and what will remain the same between now and January 21, 2013?
Join the Center for American Progress and the American Enterprise Institute for the first in a series of joint conversations examining major national security challenges in the months and years ahead.
Rudy deLeon, Center for American Progress
Brian Katulis, Center for American Progress
Danielle Pletka, AEI
Paul Wolfowitz, AEI