Past Event

International Women’s Day

The Global Fight for Abortion Rights

Center for American Progress
3:30 - 5:00 PM EST

As abortion rights are under attack in the United States, the work of grassroots movements around the world to promote progressive policy change and ensure access to abortion care can provide guidance for activism and advocacy at home. In 2018, the people of Ireland voted overwhelmingly to repeal the Eighth Amendment, overturning one of the world’s most restrictive abortion laws. The lower house of Argentina’s legislature passed a bill legalizing abortion for up to 14 weeks; despite falling short in the Argentine Senate, the bill’s progress was a significant victory for the grassroots movement to legalize abortion. Advocates in the Democratic Republic of Congo secured expanded access to legal abortion, and in Bangladesh, advocates work to strengthen quality of care and expand access to abortion rights.

For International Women’s Day 2019, join the Center for American Progress and partners Ipas, International Planned Parenthood Federation-Western Hemisphere Region, and Planned Parenthood Global for a panel discussion featuring leaders in movements for legal, safe, and free abortion in Ireland, Argentina, Bangladesh, and the Democratic Republic of Congo. We will discuss their victories, the work that remains, and the lessons that these global efforts can teach us as we work to protect and expand abortion rights in the United States.

Introductory remarks:
Neera Tanden, President and CEO, Center for American Progress

Lola Guerra, Youth Coordinator, Católicas por el Derecho a Decidir Argentina (Catholics for the Right to Decide Argentina)
Linda Kavanagh, Spokesperson, Abortion Rights Campaign Ireland
Muadi Mukenge, Chief of Development and External Relations, Ipas
Shamila Nahar, Senior Adviser, Ipas Bangladesh

Jamila Taylor, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress