The infrastructure that American citizens and businesses rely on needs to be upgraded and revitalized, from the roads, bridges, and ports that bring goods to market to the many water systems that provide safe and sanitary drinking water to millions of homes. Pension funds offer a source of capital that can help rebuild these essential assets in exchange for predictable returns that will provide Americans with a safe retirement. Please join the Center for American Progress for introductory remarks by Ed Smith, president and chief executive officer of Ullico Investment Company, and a panel discussion on the challenges and benefits of infrastructure investments for pension funds.
As part of this event, the Center for American Progress will release findings from a report on the challenges that pension funds face when investing in infrastructure and the federal policies that can encourage additional investment, as well as an issue brief on the intersection of organized labor and infrastructure investment.
Introductory remarks:
Ed Smith, President and Chief Executive Officer, Ullico Investment Company
Distinguished panelists:
Sonia M. Axter, Managing Director, Infrastructure Investments, Ullico Investment Company
Larry Beeferman, Project Director, Pensions & Capital Stewardship Project, Harvard Law School
Brian Clarke, Executive Director, Industry Funds Management, LLC
Dan Pedrotty, Co-Director, Center for Workers’ Benefits and Capital Strategies, American Federation of Teachers
Moderated by:
Roy Kienitz, former Under Secretary for Policy, U.S. Department of Transportation