The ongoing housing crisis has cost millions of American families their homes, has erased trillions of dollars in household wealth, and remains one of the biggest drags on our economic recovery. Still, housing policy has barely been mentioned on the campaign trail in 2012.
Please join the Center for American Progress, the National Council of La Raza and other members of the “Home for Good” campaign for an event to elevate the housing debate and challenge presidential hopefuls on their strategies to address the housing crisis. The “Home for Good” campaign gives voice to homeowners and communities that continue to struggle with the effects of the crisis. We’ll hear from housing experts and civil rights advocates on the key questions the candidates must answer before November 6th, including how they plan to stop needless foreclosures, expand affordable rental housing, and revive a path to sustainable homeownership for all creditworthy Americans.
Welcoming remarks:
David Abromowitz, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress
Introductory remarks:
Janet Murguía, President and CEO, National Council of La Raza
Keynote address:
Vicki Schultz, Deputy Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Division, United States Department of Justice
Panel discussion:
Jim Carr, former Chief Business Officer, National Community Reinvestment Coalition
Terri Ludwig, President and CEO, Enterprise Community Partners, Inc.
David Stevens, President and CEO, Mortgage Bankers Association
Janneke Ratcliffe, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress; Executive Director, UNC Center for Community Capital; moderator