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Democracy is in retreat globally and some say in the United States as well. Exacerbating the democratic backslide are authoritarian regimes such as Russia and China, which have increased repression at home and made efforts to export instability abroad. On the home front, indifference toward democratic principles is escalating as America retreats from its historic commitment to the promotion of democracy.
“Freedom in the World 2018″—the latest edition of Freedom House’s country-by-country survey of political rights and civil liberties—details the extent of democratic recession and concludes that 2017 was the twelfth consecutive year of the decline in global freedom. Join the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), the Center for American Progress, and Freedom House for a broader discussion on these global trends.
Panel I: Freedom in the World:
Micheal J. Abramowitz, President, Freedom House
Vladamir Kara-Murza, Open Russia
John Norris, Senior Fellow and Executive Director, Sustainable Security and Peacebuilding Initiative, Center for American Progress
Laura Rosenberger, Director, Alliance for Securing Democracy and Senior Fellow, The German Marshall Fund
Moderated by:
Danielle Pletka, Senior Vice President, Foreign Policy and Defense Studies, American Enterprise Institute
Panel II: Freedom in the United States:
Diana Mutz, Director, Institute for the Study of Citizens and Politics, University of Pennsylvania
Lee Drutman, Senior Fellow, Political Reform Program, New America Foundation
Arch Puddington, Distinguished Fellow for Democracy Studies, Freedom House
Moderated by:
Ryan Streeter, Director of Domestic Policy Studies, AEI
Keynote Remarks:
Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE)