Center for American Progress

: Exclusive Donor Call on Supreme Court Decision
Past Event

Exclusive Donor Call on Supreme Court Decision

2:00 - 3:00 PM EDT

Last week, the U.S. Supreme Court struck down yet another limit on campaign contributions—extending the influence of money in politics and diluting the influence that average citizens can have on the political process. The most recent decision continues the Court’s assault on campaign finance laws put in place to fight corruption, protect the public interest, and ensure the voices of all Americans are heard—not just a few. We invite you to join us for a discussion of the Court’s ruling, the impact it will have on the future election cycle, and what steps we as progressives can take to rebalance the scales.

Please join us for an exclusive donor call with:

Lori Lodes
Senior Vice President, Campaigns and Strategies, American Progress


Ian Millhiser
Senior Constitutional Policy Analyst, American Progress, and Justice Editor, ThinkProgress

Moderated by

Winnie Stachelberg

Executive Vice President, External Affairs

Wednesday, April 16, 2014

2:00 p.m. ET – 3:00 p.m. ET

This call will provide a discussion about the Court’s decision to strike down the limit of campaign contributions, what the outcome of this case will mean for campaigns and elections in the United States, as well as how American Progress plans to address the role that money plays in elections.