American children coming of age today will work in a global, technologically advanced economy, competing with peers in India, China, and other countries. Over the past several decades, China and India have been making historic educational investments in children, resulting in greater numbers of young people entering the workforce as highly qualified candidates for jobs in the key industries of innovation.
A new joint report by the Center for American Progress and The Center for the Next Generation, “The Competition that Really Matters: Comparing U.S., Chinese, and Indian Investments in the Next Generation Workforce,” details the progress China and India are making in preparing their labor force to play a bigger role in the high-skill and high-wage sectors of the economy, and it makes recommendations for the United States to respond with more vigorous policy decisions.
Results of a recently commissioned survey will also be released, reflecting the American public’s hunger for restoring U.S. leadership in education and increasing investments in education.
Welcoming remarks:
Neera Tanden, President, Center for American Progress
Matt James, President and Chief Executive Officer, The Center for the Next Generation
Featured speakers:
Eric Hanushek, Paul and Jean Hanna Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution of Stanford University
Governor Jack Markell (D-DE); Chair, National Governors Association
Bob Carpenter, Chesapeake Beach Consulting
Marilyn Reznick, Executive Director, Education Leadership, AT&T
Moderated by:
Ann O’Leary, Director, Children and Families Program, The Center for the Next Generation; Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress
Closing Remarks:
Donna Cooper, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress