California passed a law in 2002 requiring automakers to “begin making vehicles that emit fewer greenhouse gas emissions by model year 2009,” yet the Bush administration stood in the way during its entire time in office, even after over a dozen more states joined California. President Obama today finally moved the issue forward by asking the EPA to reconsider granting California a waiver to regulate emissions in its state.
As CAP Senior Fellow Daniel Weiss said in a statement, “President Obama has done more in one week to reduce oil dependence and fight global warming than President Bush did in eight years. His actions today respond to scientists’ urgent warnings to reduce global warming pollution now before it’s too late. These fuel economy measures come on top of $90 billion of clean energy investments in his economic recovery package. This is a complete reversal of President Bush’s policy of censoring or ignoring global warming science.”
More on CAP’s energy policies:
Ten Ways to Take Immediate Action on Energy and the Environment
Report: Green Recovery