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Patriotic Americans of all political persuasions are increasingly concerned about the recent radical changes in U.S. foreign policy. There is mounting evidence that the present course will weaken rather than strengthen America’s own security; reduce rather than increase world stability; and create more hostility towards the United States rather than admiration for our dynamic economy and democratic way of life.
With this in mind, the Center for American Progress, The American Prospect magazine, and The Century Foundation are sponsoring a conference on U.S. national security titled, “New American Strategies for Security and Peace,” to be held at the Wardman Park Marriott in Washington, D.c= on October 28 and 29, 2003.
Remarks of Senator Chuck Hagel to the NASSP Conference, October 29, 2003
Remarks of Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton to the NASSP Conference, October 29, 2003
America’s Instruments of Power: An Agenda of Reform, A Panel Discussion of Congressman James A. Leach, Mich�?le A. Flournoy, Lieutenant General Bernard E. Trainor, USMC (Ret.), James Steinberg, and Rand Beers, October 29, 2003
Is America Prepared?: Protecting the Homeland, A Panel Discussion of Congresswoman Jane Harman, Randall Larsen, Mayor Ed Garza, Margaret A. Hamburg, and Juliette Kayyem, October 29, 2003
Is America Safer? The Bush Doctrine and National Security, A Panel Discussion of Samuel R. Berger, Ivo H. Daalder, Clyde Prestowitz, Susan E. Rice, and Robert E. Rubin, October 28, 2003
Beyond Regime Change: Winning the Peace, A Panel Discussion of Richard Holbrooke, Joseph C. Wilson, Flynt Leverett, Jessica Stern, and Major General William L. Nash, USA (Ret.), October 28, 2003
A Critical Challenge: Stopping the Spread of the Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Weapons, A Panel Discussion of William J. Perry, Ashton B. Carter, Rose Gottemoeller, Amy Smithson, and Wendy Sherman, October 28, 2003
Remarks of Senator Joe Biden to the NASSP Conference, October 28, 2003
Remarks of Zbigniew Brzezinski to the NASSP Conference, October 28, 2003
Remarks of The Century Foundation President Richard C. Leone to the NASSP Conference, October 28, 2003
John Podesta, Richard C. Leone and Robert Kuttner on the Pursuit of a Better American Foreign Policy, October 27, 2003
This conference is aimed at government officials, foreign policy experts and opinion leaders who are concerned with the direction of U.S. foreign policy and its adverse effects on the safety of Americans at home and abroad. The conference will provide a forum for the discussion of alternative policies and approaches, and stimulate debate on these crucial issues.
This article is adapted from an article prepared for The American Prospect special conference issue, published in conjunction with the October 28 and 29, 2003 New American Strategies for Security and Peace Conference sponsored by the Center for American Progress, the Century Foundation and The American Prospect.
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