Center for American Progress

It’s Time for the Pro-Choice Community to Embrace the Word Abortion
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It’s Time for the Pro-Choice Community to Embrace the Word Abortion

Abortion is a difficult and challenging subject but it is a critical piece of the story of women’s advancement and it should not be overlooked or censored. We cannot fight for a right that we cannot name.

Planned Parenthood recently released research indicating that the terms “pro-life” and “pro-choice” do not really resonate with most people.  That has left many supporters of abortion rights asking what should we use if not the word “choice”?  I welcome this conversation as, too often, the term “choice” has been used as a euphemism for abortion because of the stigma and shame that have built up around the issue.

As we approach the 40th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, the Supreme Court decision that recognized the constitutional right to abortion, I urge people who care about this issue not to shy away from the word “abortion” itself. We should resist the urge to hide behind allusions to “women’s health,” “choice,” and “Roe” when we’re really talking about abortion only. While abortion absolutely should be set within a greater context of women’s health, it should not be buried by it.

The above excerpt was originally published in The Daily Beast. Click here to view the full article.

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Jessica Arons

Director, Women\'s Health & Rights Program