Center for American Progress

More Organizations Need to Support Antibullying Measures

More Organizations Need to Support Antibullying Measures

In order to prevent bullying against gay and transgender youth (and all youth for that matter), gay and transgender organizations, as well as civil rights organizations and education advocacy groups, need to support antibullying measures.

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Schools are supposed to be safe zones where students can learn and grow. But for many gay[1]  and transgender youth, school is a place to be feared because of bullies and an overall hostile environment where they are susceptible to harassment and physical abuse because of their sexual orientation or gender identity.

In order to prevent bullying against gay and transgender youth (and all youth for that matter), gay and transgender organizations, as well as civil rights organizations and education advocacy groups, need to support antibullying measures. By lending their support to antibullying measures, these organizations are helping to bring awareness to the issue of bullying and the effects it has on gay and transgender youth. More importantly, these organizations are encouraging and helping parents, students, and concerned citizens reach out to their elected representatives to let them know the critical importance of antibullying measures.

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