Center for American Progress

Keep the Defense Budget Flat over the Next Four Years

Keep the Defense Budget Flat over the Next Four Years

U.S. defense spending in fiscal year 2009 was larger than at any time since the end of World War II in inflation-adjusted dollars.

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U.S. defense spending in fiscal year 2009 was larger than at any time since the end of World War II in inflation-adjusted dollars. Elevated spending during military operations is expected and necessary, but our defense budget has eclipsed the amount spent on defense by all other countries in the world combined. This out-of-control spending will limit our ability to succeed as we attempt to rebalance our national security priorities to give a greater role to development, diplomacy, homeland security, and intelligence and more effectively accomplish our goals around the world.

The Center for American Progress in 2008 released “Building a Military for the 21st Century,” our blueprint for defense reform. The report identifies $38.6 billion in savings over the next fours years that would allow the baseline defense budget to remain level in real terms. These cuts include ending production of the MV-22 Osprey and substituting for cheaper helicopters, canceling unproven missile defense programs, and cancelling the Marine Corps’ Expeditionary Fighting Vehicle program.

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