Center for American Progress

The Endangered Species Act Is Working: State-by-State Fact Sheets

The Endangered Species Act Is Working: State-by-State Fact Sheets

The Endangered Species Act has effectively reduced the threats of America’s declining wildlife and prevented the extinction of 99 percent of species under its protection.

Long endangered bald eagles are making a comeback in the San Francisco Bay Area thanks to environmental protections, April 2017. (AP/Marcio Jose Sanchez)
Long endangered bald eagles are making a comeback in the San Francisco Bay Area thanks to environmental protections, April 2017. (AP/Marcio Jose Sanchez)

The Endangered Species Act (ESA) has been one of the most effective tools used to protect America’s perilously declining wildlife and has helped prevent the extinction of 99 percent of the species under its protection. The 1973 law provides a framework for using science to guide management and reduce the threats of development to threatened species. It has helped Americans be good stewards of our natural heritage for future generations. Members of Congress who attack the ESA are out of step with core American values.

The following fact sheets provide data showing that the federal government has typically responded quickly to requests made under the ESA to ensure development projects do not adversely affect threatened or endangered species. These consultations—which critics claim burden development—are generally completed within weeks.

The state and national fact sheets are accessible below:

Ryan Richards is a senior policy analyst for Public Lands at the Center for American Progress. Kyle Cornish is an intern for Energy and Environment at the Center.

The positions of American Progress, and our policy experts, are independent, and the findings and conclusions presented are those of American Progress alone. A full list of supporters is available here. American Progress would like to acknowledge the many generous supporters who make our work possible.


Ryan Richards

Former Senior Policy Analyst, Public Lands

Kyle Cornish