The United States’ outdated policy on stem cell research may be standing in the way of finding cures to life-threatening diseases such as diabetes and Parkinson’s. Just this week scientists announced that embryonic stem cells may be used to find treatments for Lou Gehrig’s disease. The Bush administration needs to take its cue from the overwhelming majority of Americans who support embryonic stem cell research and increase federal funding. The following are some compelling stats demonstrating the current state of stem cell research.
The Basics
65: Percent of the American public that approves of medical research using embryonic stem cells.
79.4: Percentage of funding for stem cell research that comes from the federal government.
55: Estimated percent of embryonic stem cell research funding through 2018 designated for research on outdated stem cell lines.
$4 million: Amount by which National Institutes of Health funding for stem cell research will have decreased from FY2006 to FY2008.
NIH v. the States
$641 million: Amount to be spent by NIH on all stem cell research in FY2007
$147 million: Amount to be spent by NIH on embryonic stem cell research in FY2007
18.2: Percent of all stem cell funding to date that NIH has designated for embryonic stem cell research.
61.2: Percent of all stem cell funding to date that NIH has designated for non-embryonic stem cell research.
2.4: Percent of all stem cell funding to date that state governments have designated for embryonic stem cell research.
11.4: Percent of all stem cell funding to date that state governments have designated for general stem cell research.
0.6: Percent of all stem cell funding to date that state governments have designated for non-embryonic stem cell research.
States are Aggressively Funding Research, but They Cannot Do it Alone
$4,107.2 million: Total amount that is projected to come from the nine states that are providing public funds for research by the year 2018. This amount is for all types of stem cell research.
$1,829.6 million: Amount California plans to spend on embryonic research by 2018.
$600 million: Amount New York plans to spend on stem cell research by 2017.
Unfulfilled promises…
60: Number of stem cell lines President Bush said were eligible for research funding under his policy.
21: Number of stem cell lines that are actually eligible for research funding under his policy.
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