Affordable, quality child care is out of reach for far too many working families. The Center for American Progress, Child Care Aware, the National Association for the Education of Young Children, and First Five Years Fund designed StateOfChildCare.Org to support advocates and policymakers with understanding how the Child Care and Development Block Grant (CCDBG), a block grant providing funds to defray the cost of child care for many families, affects the child care workforce and children and families with low incomes.
When families receive help paying for child care, their wages increase, more mothers enter the labor force, and the U.S. economy grows. Currently, the CCDBG serves just 1 in 7 eligible children. To reach more families and fund quality child care with livable wages for early educators, the program needs more resources. This national partnership advocates for an increase in the CCDBG so that the U.S. economy can work for all families and workers in America.
The above excerpt was originally published in State of Child Care.
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