
Arizona: Pariah State or Mainstream?

Gebe Martinez argues on Politico that the public is in favor of the Arizona's immigration law because they are frustrated with the lack of action on the issue from Congress and the White House.

The main reason the public is polling in favor of the Arizona law is because they are frustrated with the lack of action on the issue from Congress and the White House, and they may not be fully aware of other solutions that would fix the broken immigration system without violating anyone’s constitutional rights.

Before Arizona passed its draconian law that relies on racial profiling to be carried out, numerous national polls showed the public in favor of a comprehensive immigration reform plan that would target employers who do not follow the law, update the visa system to meet employment and family needs, require undocumented residents to pass rigorous tests and pay back taxes and earn citizenship, and secure the borders so that law enforcement officers can go after criminal drug dealers.

Read more here.

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