Center for American Progress

3 Ways Sequestration Is Taking a Toll on Struggling Americans

3 Ways Sequestration Is Taking a Toll on Struggling Americans

Congress recently sprang into action to save air travelers from flight delays brought on by sequestration. But for the millions of Americans who can’t afford to get on a plane, they have yet to repeal devastating cuts to important programs for struggling families, seniors, and children—leaving us all to wonder where our nation’s most vulnerable fit into Congress’s priorities.

Congress recently sprang into action to save air travelers from flight delays brought on by sequestration. But for the millions of Americans who can’t afford to get on a plane, they have yet to repeal devastating cuts to important programs for struggling families, seniors, and children—leaving us all to wonder where our nation’s most vulnerable fit into Congress’s priorities. Here are three programs where sequestration is already taking a toll on struggling Americans.



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Lauren Santa Cruz

Vice President, Digital Creative

Erik Stegman

Director of Field Outreach and Advocacy, Poverty to Prosperity Program