Women’s Issues


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The SAVE Act: Overview and Facts Fact Sheet
Informational materials and voter registration forms are seen on a table in Atlanta.

The SAVE Act: Overview and Facts

The SAVE Act would require all Americans to prove their citizenship with documentation unavailable to millions and upend the way every American citizen registers to vote.

What You Should Know About the 2023 Gender Wage Gap Report
A woman about to open her front door

What You Should Know About the 2023 Gender Wage Gap

For the first time in two decades, the gender wage gap widened significantly in 2023—and between 2022 and 2023, the wage gap increased by 1 cent for women working full time, year round, to an average of 83 cents for every dollar men made.

Amina Khalique

Rising Extreme Heat Compounds the U.S. Maternal Health Crisis Report
A midwife picks greens for a pregnant mother and her daughter.

Rising Extreme Heat Compounds the U.S. Maternal Health Crisis

Policymakers must act to protect the health and safety of pregnant people—including by passing the Protecting Moms and Babies Against Climate Change Act, increasing access to indoor home cooling, and quickly adopting a federal occupational heat standard.

Amina Khalique

What Comes Next for the Equal Rights Amendment? Report
Photo shows a closeup of a green sign with the phrase

What Comes Next for the Equal Rights Amendment?

Three-fourths of U.S. states have ratified the amendment, and many argue it is the 28th Amendment to the Constitution; Women’s Equality Day serves as a reminder of the amendment’s importance.

Isabela Salas-Betsch, Kate Kelly

The Economic Status of Single Mothers Report
A mother carrying her baby in a baby carrier and holding an umbrella is seen crossing the street.

The Economic Status of Single Mothers

Original Center for American Progress analysis shows that single mothers in the United States face economic insecurity, including high poverty rates and low incomes, that could be alleviated by strengthening the social safety net and advancing policies to support women in the workforce.

Isabela Salas-Betsch

Supreme Court Dismisses Idaho v. United States Without Making a Decision on Emergency Abortion Care
The U.S. Supreme Court is pictured on June 26, 2024, a day before issuing its ruling in Idaho v. United States.

Supreme Court Dismisses Idaho v. United States Without Making a Decision on Emergency Abortion Care

While the merits of Idaho v. United States will be decided by the lower courts, the U.S. Supreme Court admitted to procedural miscalculations that directly compromised the safety of pregnant patients in Idaho—underscoring how pregnant patients and medical providers will continue to be caught in the chaos and confusion sowed by the politicization of medication.

Sabrina Talukder

In U.S. v. Rahimi, Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Domestic Violence Survivor Safety but Upholds Problematic Bruen Framework Article
Photo shows a Supreme Court building partly lit inside, against a dark blue sky

In U.S. v. Rahimi, Supreme Court Rules in Favor of Domestic Violence Survivor Safety but Upholds Problematic Bruen Framework

On June 21, 2024, the U.S. Supreme Court determined that a sensible and effective gun violence prevention law protecting domestic violence survivors remains constitutional; however, the fact that survivor safety was compromised because of the politicization of the judiciary—and could be again in the future—should not be forgotten.

Sabrina Talukder, Nick Wilson

Abortion Access Mapped by Congressional District: 6-Week Abortion Ban Update Article

Abortion Access Mapped by Congressional District: 6-Week Abortion Ban Update

Florida’s extreme abortion ban for women who reach six weeks of pregnancy has essentially cut off abortion access for women in the South; new analysis by the Center for American Progress maps the latest driving times to an abortion clinic and the changes since the Dobbs decision by congressional district that, as a consequence of reduced abortion access, increase average district driving times by 300 percent nationally.

Sara Estep

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