4 Ways States and Localities Are Improving Employment Outcomes for Reentering Young Adults ReportJune 27, 2023 4 Ways States and Localities Are Improving Employment Outcomes for Reentering Young Adults Forward-thinking state and local policymakers should continue to take action to improve the employment outcomes of 18- to 24-year-olds reentering their communities. Jun 27, 2023 David Correa
The time for a federal ‘clean slate’ measure is long overdue In the NewsApril 29, 2023 The time for a federal ‘clean slate’ measure is long overdue Akua Amaning writes about why federal policymakers should pass clean slate legislation. Apr 29, 2023 The Hill Akua Amaning
Strengthening Access to Housing for People With Criminal Records Is Key to Successful Reentry ArticleApril 17, 2023 Strengthening Access to Housing for People With Criminal Records Is Key to Successful Reentry To facilitate the successful reentry of justice-involved citizens, the United States must bolster its federal, state, and local renter protections and build strong transitional housing programs. Apr 17, 2023 Justin Dorazio
Second Chances Make Our Communities Safer Past EventApril 27, 2022 Second Chances Make Our Communities Safer Please join CAP and the Clean Slate Initiative for a virtual event on how clean slate policies make our communities safer by increasing employment and opportunities that reduce recidivism and crime. Apr 27, 2022
Fines and Fees Are a Barrier to Criminal Record-Clearing ArticleNovember 30, 2021 Fines and Fees Are a Barrier to Criminal Record-Clearing Jurisdictions can take several steps to eliminate the financial barriers imposed by fines and fees, which would help system-impacted individuals clear their records and reenter society. Nov 30, 2021 Gus Tupper, Akua Amaning, Jaboa Lake
A Criminal Record Shouldn’t Be a Life Sentence to Poverty ReportMay 28, 2021 A Criminal Record Shouldn’t Be a Life Sentence to Poverty Bipartisan momentum for clean slate and fair chance licensing policies—which remove barriers to economic opportunity for people facing the stigma of a criminal record—has grown significantly in the states in recent years. May 28, 2021 Rebecca Vallas, Sharon Dietrich, Beth Avery
Clean Slate Is Critical for a Healthy Democracy ArticleApril 26, 2021 Clean Slate Is Critical for a Healthy Democracy The automatic clearing of eligible criminal records can help to foster civic engagement and build a healthier democracy. Apr 26, 2021 Maggie Jo Buchanan, Nick Jacobson
Advancing Gender Equity for Justice-Impacted Women in the Aftermath of COVID-19 ReportMarch 29, 2021 Advancing Gender Equity for Justice-Impacted Women in the Aftermath of COVID-19 Justice reform measures can help ensure that women with a criminal record are given a fair chance at quality job opportunities, and these reforms are needed now more than ever in light of the pandemic’s devastating impact on women. Mar 29, 2021 Akua Amaning
Update to ‘News You Can Use: Research Roundup for Re-Entry Advocates’ ArticleJune 25, 2020 Update to ‘News You Can Use: Research Roundup for Re-Entry Advocates’ This resource guide serves as an update to "News You Can Use: Research Roundup for Re-Entry Advocates," providing new information and links to additional criminal justice reform resources. Jun 25, 2020 the CAP Poverty Team, Kenny Lo, Akua Amaning
Advancing Clean Slate: The Need for Automatic Record Clearance During the Coronavirus Pandemic ArticleJune 25, 2020 Advancing Clean Slate: The Need for Automatic Record Clearance During the Coronavirus Pandemic State and federal governments have been making huge strides in advancing automatic record-clearance measures, which are needed now more than ever as a global health crisis launches the United States into its second recession in just more than a decade. Jun 25, 2020 Akua Amaning
Expunging and Sealing Criminal Records Fact SheetApril 15, 2020 Expunging and Sealing Criminal Records How Jurisdictions Can Expand Access to Second Chances Apr 15, 2020 Kenny Lo
Mitigating the Impacts of a Criminal Record on Young Adults in the U.S. ArticleApril 15, 2020 Mitigating the Impacts of a Criminal Record on Young Adults in the U.S. Young adults who have been disproportionately affected by America’s criminal justice system are in need of solutions to reduce the collateral consequences of a criminal record. Apr 15, 2020 Akua Amaning, Brent J. Cohen
Criminal Records Create Cycles of Multigenerational Poverty ArticleApril 15, 2020 Criminal Records Create Cycles of Multigenerational Poverty The collateral consequences of having a criminal record create barriers and restrict opportunities for families across generations—policy solutions must be comprehensive and multigenerational. Apr 15, 2020 Jaboa Lake
‘It Would Bring so Much Relief to so Many People:’ How Washington’s Clean Slate Legislation Could Give People a Second Chance VideoFebruary 7, 2020 ‘It Would Bring so Much Relief to so Many People:’ How Washington’s Clean Slate Legislation Could Give People a Second Chance Carolina earned her second chance; Washington should let her have it. Feb 7, 2020 Jasmine Hardy, David Ballard, Rebecca Vallas
‘If You Are Telling Someone They Can Come Home One Day, They Deserve a Second Chance.’ VideoOctober 8, 2019 ‘If You Are Telling Someone They Can Come Home One Day, They Deserve a Second Chance.’ With the passage of Michigan’s Clean Slate bill, people like Jarret could finally have a second chance. Oct 8, 2019 Jasmine Hardy, David Ballard, Rebecca Vallas
Tackling Climate Change and Environmental Injustice Tackling Climate Change and Environmental Injustice We pursue climate action that meets the crisis’s urgency, creates good-quality jobs, benefits disadvantaged communities, and restores U.S. credibility on the global stage.
Restoring Social Trust in Democracy Restoring Social Trust in Democracy Democracy is under attack at home and abroad. We must act to ensure it is accessible to all, accountable, and can serve as a force of good.
Advancing Racial Equity and Justice Advancing Racial Equity and Justice We apply a racial equity lens in developing and advancing policies that aim to root out entrenched systemic racism to ensure everyone has an opportunity to thrive.