States Seek To Improve Early Childhood Outcomes Through Consolidated Governance Structures ReportJanuary 6, 2025 States Seek To Improve Early Childhood Outcomes Through Consolidated Governance Structures In recent years, a number of states have moved to consolidate disparately administered early childhood programs into a single agency to improve coordination of services and reduce administrative burdens. Jan 6, 2025 Anna Lovejoy, Allie Schneider, Hailey Gibbs
Project 2025’s Plan To Gut Checks and Balances Harms Seniors ArticleAugust 15, 2024 Project 2025’s Plan To Gut Checks and Balances Harms Seniors The new authoritarian playbook would devastate American seniors in many ways. Aug 15, 2024 Colin Seeberger
Direct Care Worker Pay and Benefits Are Low Despite High Demand for Services ReportDecember 8, 2023 Direct Care Worker Pay and Benefits Are Low Despite High Demand for Services National policy action is needed to increase worker compensation and meet demand for direct care services. Dec 8, 2023 Claire Connacher
3 Ways States Can Expand and Sustain the Infrastructure Workforce by Meeting Child Care Needs ReportMarch 29, 2023 3 Ways States Can Expand and Sustain the Infrastructure Workforce by Meeting Child Care Needs To improve recruitment, training, and retention in the construction industry, states should utilize infrastructure funds to address workers’ child care needs. Mar 29, 2023 Marina Zhavoronkova, Maureen Coffey
How State Health Care Cost Commissions Can Advance Affordability and Equity ReportOctober 27, 2022 How State Health Care Cost Commissions Can Advance Affordability and Equity Health care cost commissions can help states address rising health care costs while also advancing other health policy priorities. Oct 27, 2022 Nicole Rapfogel, Natasha Murphy
Increasing America’s Child Care Supply ReportAugust 23, 2022 Increasing America’s Child Care Supply With additional funding, an existing federal subsidy program could forestall closures and supply losses in the child care sector until policymakers secure meaningful investments. Aug 23, 2022 Hailey Gibbs
Why K-12 Teachers and Their Students Need Investments in Child Care ArticleJune 8, 2022 Why K-12 Teachers and Their Students Need Investments in Child Care To meet the caregiving needs of the K-12 educator workforce and the developmental needs of the youngest students, the United States needs sustained, significant federal investments in the accessibility and affordability of high-quality child care. Jun 8, 2022 Emily Katz
President Biden’s Home Care Proposal Would Create Massive Job Growth in Every State ArticleAugust 17, 2021 President Biden’s Home Care Proposal Would Create Massive Job Growth in Every State A bold investment in the care economy would help aging Americans and people with disabilities live at home affordably and create hundreds of thousands of good-paying home care jobs, addressing the industry’s severe job shortage. Aug 17, 2021 SEIU, The Center for American Progress
These Interconnected Policies Would Sustain Families, Support Women, and Grow the Economy ArticleJuly 30, 2021 These Interconnected Policies Would Sustain Families, Support Women, and Grow the Economy Together, the policies included in the Biden administration’s Build Back Better agenda would propel families’ and the country’s economic security by prioritizing child care, the child tax credit, paid family and medical leave, and good jobs that get Americans back to work. Jul 30, 2021 Arohi Pathak, Diana Boesch, Laura Dallas McSorley
Quick Facts on Paid Family and Medical Leave ArticleFebruary 5, 2021 Quick Facts on Paid Family and Medical Leave The United States urgently needs a comprehensive paid family and medical leave program that will boost the health and economic well-being of American workers and families. Feb 5, 2021 Diana Boesch
How COVID-19 Sent Women’s Workforce Progress Backward ReportOctober 30, 2020 How COVID-19 Sent Women’s Workforce Progress Backward The collapse of the child care sector and drastic reductions in school supervision hours as a result of COVID-19 could drive millions of mothers out of the paid workforce. Inaction could cost billions, undermine family economic security, and set gender equity back a generation. Oct 30, 2020 Julie Kashen, Sarah Jane Glynn, Amanda Novello
Essential Work, Disposable Workers: Why Home Care Workers Need Labor Protections ArticleSeptember 3, 2020 Essential Work, Disposable Workers: Why Home Care Workers Need Labor Protections Malkie Wall outlines how the COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the urgent need to strengthen protections for home care workers. Sep 3, 2020 CAP Action Malkie Wall
Tackling Climate Change and Environmental Injustice Tackling Climate Change and Environmental Injustice We pursue climate action that meets the crisis’s urgency, creates good-quality jobs, benefits disadvantaged communities, and restores U.S. credibility on the global stage.
Restoring Social Trust in Democracy Restoring Social Trust in Democracy Democracy is under attack at home and abroad. We must act to ensure it is accessible to all, accountable, and can serve as a force of good.
Building an Economy for All Building an Economy for All Economic growth must be built on the foundation of a strong and secure middle class so that all Americans benefit from growth.
Advancing Racial Equity and Justice Advancing Racial Equity and Justice We apply a racial equity lens in developing and advancing policies that aim to root out entrenched systemic racism to ensure everyone has an opportunity to thrive.