By Daniel J. Weiss, Arpita Bhattacharyya | July 22, 2011
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Washington, D.C.—This week, the House of Representatives plans to vote on the Interior Environment FY 2012 Appropriations bill, H.R. 2584, which is chock full of more than 40 provisions that would prolong pollution of the air, water, oceans, and lands of your favorite vacation destinations enumerated in the slideshow, "Wet, Hot, Dirty American Summer," released today by the Center for American Progress. The sum effect of these and other pollution provisions in the House Interior and Environment Appropriations bill threaten clean air and clean water throughout the nation, exposing our children to sewage, dirty drinking water, mercury, smog, pesticides, and other pollutants.
Taken together, these special interest provisions in H.R. 2584 are an unprecedented assault on public health and public lands all hidden in an annual spending bill—which is why President Barack Obama promised to veto it. Some of the impacts to a few of America’s favorite vacation spots include:
This bill would shred the environmental safety net designed to make our water drinkable, our air breathable, and our land habitable. For instance, the EPA’s proposed mercury and air toxics reductions for power plants would prevent 120,000 asthma attacks and 4,500 cases of chronic bronchitis. But the bill prevents the EPA from setting pollution reductions standards to clean our air and water—putting our children and the places where we love spending time with them at risk.
View the full slideshow here.
To speak with Daniel J. Weiss, please contact Christina DiPasquale at 202-481-8181 or [email protected].