Washington, DC – The American Dream has been a story of progressive policy establishing conditions in which individuals have been able to seize opportunities and make a better life for themselves, their children, their families, and their communities. It can be so again. The United States faces unprecedented challenges while working Americans feel less secure and their prospects for economic mobility seem more and more remote. Yet at the Center for American Progress, we are optimistic about America’s economic future. We are confident that the ladder of economic mobility can be rebuilt with the right leadership and progressive policy.
Progressive Growth – the Center’s new economic plan – offers a fiscally responsible investment plan to: Grow our economy through the transformation to a low-carbon economy and leadership in innovation, technology, and science. Recreate a ladder of economic mobility so that Americans may make a better life for themselves and their families, and America may be a land with a thriving and expanding middle class prospering in the global economy.
The next administration can offer a new vision of America as an economic leader with a growing middle class in a vibrant global economy. America’s economy could be driven by ongoing invention and the production of high value-added goods and services. America could lead a global energy transformation based on more efficient technologies and clean, renewable fuels. These forces could fuel the creation of good jobs and good prospects for workers at all skill levels. America’s students and workers could be readied to meet the demands of the innovation economy. Moreover, we could ensure the economic security necessary, so that people can take risks and generate wealth for themselves and our country. America could put globalization and change to work for American workers and for millions around the globe.
An overview of the entire plan can be found in:
Progressive Growth Transforming America’s Economy through Clean Energy, Innovation, and Opportunity By John Podesta, Sarah Rosen Wartell, and David Madland
Other reports detailing aspects of the challenges and recommendations in the Progressive Growth plan are:
Capturing the Energy Opportunity Creating a Low-Carbon Economy By John Podesta, Todd Stern, and Kit Batten
A National Innovation Agenda Progressive Policies for Economic Growth and Opportunity through Science and Technology By Tom Kalil and John Irons
Opportunity and Security for Working Americans Creating the Conditions for Success in the Global Economy By Louis Soares, Andrew Jakabovics, and Tim Westrich (forthcoming)
Virtuous Circle Strengthening Broad-Based Global Progress in Living Standards By Richard Samans and Jonathan Jacoby (forthcoming)
Responsible Investment A Budget and Fiscal Policy Plan for Progressive Growth By David Madland and John Irons (forthcoming)