Center for American Progress

PRESS CALL ADVISORY: Military Experts, Including Former Major General, to Discuss Sexual Assault in the Military
Press Advisory

PRESS CALL ADVISORY: Military Experts, Including Former Major General, to Discuss Sexual Assault in the Military

Washington, D.C. — On Wednesday, November 6, the Center for American Progress will host a press call to discuss sexual assault and criminal justice reform in the military. The speakers, who are all veterans, will outline key reform goals to combat the problem, including removing cases from the chain of command. They will also address other solutions, including increasing accountability for perpetrators and military leadership, improving victim services, increasing reporting of sex crimes to military authorities, and improving data collection and transparency related to sexual assault in the armed forces.


Lawrence Korb, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress
Maj. Gen. Dennis J. Laich (Ret.)
Anu Bhagwati, Executive Director, Service Women’s Action Network


Wednesday, November 6, 2013
10:00 a.m. EST


Conference ID# 9536213


Please confirm your participation in the call by contacting Anne Shoup at [email protected] or 202.481.7146.
