The Sheepskin Effect and Student Achievement ReportJuly 17, 2012 The Sheepskin Effect and Student Achievement Raegen Miller and Marguerite Roza dissect the nation’s sizeable investment in master’s bumps as a means of highlighting policy obstacles to a more smartly differentiated compensation approach. Jul 17, 2012 Raegen Miller, Marguerite Roza
Separation of Degrees ReportJuly 20, 2009 Separation of Degrees School systems serious about improving results will have no choice but to reconsider the master's degree pay bump for teachers argue Marguerite Roza and Raegen Miller. Jul 20, 2009 Marguerite Roza, Raegen Miller
Taking Stock of the Fiscal Costs of Expanded Learning Time ReportJuly 21, 2008 Taking Stock of the Fiscal Costs of Expanded Learning Time Report provides a framework for policymakers and practitioners to identify the key cost components involved in expanding the school day. Jul 21, 2008 Marguerite Roza, Karen Hawley Miles
What if We Closed the Title I Comparability Loophole? ReportJune 10, 2008 What if We Closed the Title I Comparability Loophole? Part 3 of Ensuring Equal Opportunity in Public Education Jun 10, 2008 Marguerite Roza
Ensuring Equal Opportunity in Public Education ReportJune 10, 2008 Ensuring Equal Opportunity in Public Education Report addresses ways in which local school district funding practices hurt disadvantaged students and what federal policy can do about it. Jun 10, 2008 Phyllis McClure, Ross Wiener, Marguerite Roza, 1 More Matt Hill