
Robert C. Pianta


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Implementing Observation Protocols Report
A preschool teacher helps a 4-year-old with her puzzle at Bellwood Discovery School in Murfreesboro, Tennessee. Observation in early childhood education has implications for  administrative decisions, evaluation practices, and policymaking in K-12. (AP/John Russell)

Implementing Observation Protocols

Robert Pianta looks at lessons learned from teacher observation in early childhood education that may be helpful as states and districts begin implementing more rigorous observation protocols for K-12 teachers.

Robert C. Pianta

Teaching Children Well Report
In the clutter of claims and tools for improving teachers’  impacts, it is critical that state and district superintendents,  principals, school boards, and reform leaders grasp the importance of  their choices and direct their attention to evidence-supported models. (AP/Steve Pope)

Teaching Children Well

Report from Robert C. Pianta outlines an evidence-based approach to teacher professional development.

Robert C. Pianta