Court Disposes, Media Yawn ArticleJanuary 28, 2010 Court Disposes, Media Yawn The Supreme Court’s ruling in Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission will open the floodgates for corporate interest, but somehow the media didn’t notice, write Eric Alterman and Mickey Ehrlich. Jan 28, 2010 Eric Alterman, Mickey Ehrlich
Tea Party/Fox Party ArticleJanuary 21, 2010 Tea Party/Fox Party The Tea Party movement and Fox News teamed up to help elect Scott Brown. Eric Alterman and Mickey Ehrlich wonder if Sarah Palin is next. Jan 21, 2010 Eric Alterman, Mickey Ehrlich
Blame Gitmo ArticleJanuary 14, 2010 Blame Gitmo Conservatives are quick to use the underpants bomber to make their case on leaving Guantanamo open, but not so fast, say Eric Alterman and Mickey Ehrlich. Jan 14, 2010 Eric Alterman, Mickey Ehrlich
Money for Nothing? ArticleJanuary 7, 2010 Money for Nothing? Our broken campaign finance system is what’s producing less than satisfactory legislation, write Eric Alterman and Mickey Ehrlich. Jan 7, 2010 Eric Alterman, Mickey Ehrlich
How to Control Health Care Costs, Conservative Style ArticleDecember 17, 2009 How to Control Health Care Costs, Conservative Style Eric Alterman and Mickey Ehrlich give a history lesson on how conservatives control health care costs. Dec 17, 2009 Eric Alterman, Mickey Ehrlich
Conservatives Turn to CNBC and the WSJ for Stimulating Propaganda ArticleDecember 10, 2009 Conservatives Turn to CNBC and the WSJ for Stimulating Propaganda CNBC and the Wall Street Journal are working in tandem to push deceit on several fronts, write Eric Alterman and Mickey Ehrlich. Dec 10, 2009 Eric Alterman, Mickey Ehrlich
A Climate of Conspiracy ArticleDecember 3, 2009 A Climate of Conspiracy “Climategate” is the latest conservative conspiracy theory in the age of Obama, write Eric Alterman and Mickey Ehrlich. Dec 3, 2009 Eric Alterman, Mickey Ehrlich
Obama’s Commie Past Exposed Yet Again ArticleOctober 29, 2009 Steve Rhodes)" data-srcset=" 610w, 610w, 610w, 500w, 250w" data-sizes="auto" /> Steve Rhodes)"> Obama’s Commie Past Exposed Yet Again Conservative media figures are still trying to connect Obama to ex-terrorist Bill Ayers, write Eric Alterman and Mickey Ehrlich. Oct 29, 2009 Eric Alterman, Mickey Ehrlich
It’s a Bird. It’s a Plane. It’s…Cable News ArticleOctober 22, 2009 It’s a Bird. It’s a Plane. It’s…Cable News The "Balloon Boy" coverage illustrates cable news' continuing obsession with nonevents, write Eric Alterman and Mickey Ehrlich. Oct 22, 2009 Eric Alterman, Mickey Ehrlich
Catfight on the Right ArticleOctober 15, 2009 Catfight on the Right Conservative bickering remains in the metaphorical junior high locker room, write Eric Alterman and Mickey Ehrlich. Oct 15, 2009 Eric Alterman, Mickey Ehrlich
CBS and Dan Rather—Doing the Right’s Dirty Work ArticleOctober 8, 2009 CBS and Dan Rather—Doing the Right’s Dirty Work Dan Rather’s lawsuit is really about a corporate media power failing to stand by its most famous reporter to avoid a battle with the Bush administration, write Eric Alterman and Mickey Ehrlich. Oct 8, 2009 Eric Alterman, Mickey Ehrlich
Kevin Jennings, the Mainstream Media, and Right-Wing Target Practice ArticleOctober 1, 2009 Kevin Jennings, the Mainstream Media, and Right-Wing Target Practice Conservatives are using the same smear tactics against Kevin Jennings that brought down Van Jones and ACORN, write Eric Alterman and Mickey Ehrlich. Oct 1, 2009 Eric Alterman, Mickey Ehrlich
Falling for the Far Right’s ACORN Agenda ArticleSeptember 24, 2009 Falling for the Far Right’s ACORN Agenda The far right’s successful attack on ACORN shows how easily the mainstream media can be manipulated with deliberately distorted information, write Eric Alterman and Mickey Ehrlich. Sep 24, 2009 Eric Alterman, Mickey Ehrlich
The Conspiracy Nuts Take Over ArticleSeptember 17, 2009 The Conspiracy Nuts Take Over Media figures and even elected representatives are feeding false claims by fringe groups instead of preventing them from polluting public discourse, write Eric Alterman and Mickey Ehrlich. Sep 17, 2009 Eric Alterman, Mickey Ehrlich