In this inaugural event for the Globalization and the Social Compact series at the Center for American Progress, please join us as Rep. Sander Levin shares his views about globalization and trade, and how progressives can use trade policy as a means to structure globalization most effectively.
The Globalization and Social Compact series is a newly launched project at the Center for American Progress. Through an ongoing series of events, panels, discussions, and policy briefs, the Globalization and Social Compact project seeks to develop progressive approaches designed to ensure that globalization leads to broadly shared benefits, both here and abroad.
Rep. Sander Levin is the Chairman of the Trade Subcommittee of the House Ways and Means Committee, and therefore holds one of the key leadership positions in the 110th Congress on issues of globalization and trade. Congressman Levin has long been a progressive thought leader and an advocate for ensuring that trade policy is structured to both promote U.S. competitiveness while also benefiting typical workers at home and abroad. Please join us for this important address.
Featured Speaker:
Congressman Sander Levin (D-MI), Chairman, Trade Subcommittee of Ways and Means
Introduction by:
Gene Sperling, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress