Understanding the Impact of the Bush Administration’s Economic Policy: A View from the States
For a transcript and video of Gov. Vilsack’s address, click here.
The Center for American Progress and the Georgetown University Lecture Fund for a major economic speech with Gov. Tom Vilsack of Iowa, “Understanding the Impact of the Bush Administration’s Economic Policy: A View from the States.”
Gov. Vilsack will discuss the state of the national economy and dissect the Bush administration’s economic policies and their negative impact on states and the long-term fiscal health of our country. Gov. Vilsack will look at the administration’s failure to focus on job creation and its pursuit of tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans which threaten educational opportunities for young people, health care for families and seniors, and saddle future generations with debt.
Friday, February 13, 2004
Doors open at 9:45 a.m., speech begins at 10:30 a.m.
Georgetown University
ICC Auditorium
37th and O Streets, NW
Washington, D.C.
RSVP required for attendance. RSVP to [email protected] or 202.682.1611. When making reservations, please include your name, organizational affiliation and phone number. Space is limited.
About Governor Vilsack
Thomas J. Vilsack was born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, orphaned at birth, and adopted in 1951.
In 1998 he was elected governor and was re-elected to a second term in 2002. In that time, Gov. Vilsack has maintained Iowa’s national reputation for sound fiscal management. Gov. Vilsack has worked to make Iowa a national leader in life sciences and value-added agriculture, boosting Iowa’s economy with $265 million in value-added agricultural investment.
Gov. Vilsack is now leading Iowa on an ambitious agenda to transform the economy. On June 19, 2003, he signed the law to establish the Iowa Values Fund, a $503 million public/private partnership with the goal of creating 50,000 high-paying high-skill jobs over the next four years.
Governor Vilsack is the chair of the Democratic Governors’ Association and a member of the National Governors’ Association Executive Committee. He is a founding member and former chair of the Governors Biotechnology Partnership, immediate past chair of the national Jobs for America’s Graduates (JAG) program, the former chair of the Ethanol Coalition, and the chair of the Midwest Governor’s Conference. He and his wife Christie have two sons.