With the release of “The Erosion of Rights,” the Citizens’ Commission on Civil Rights and the Center for American Progress details the detrimental effect that the Bush Administration has had on our nation’s civil rights and civil liberties. Since 2000, the administration has allowed the historical tools of the executive branch for civil rights enforcement to collapse, leaving many of our citizens susceptible to unequal opportunity and rising religious and racial intolerance.
“The Erosion of Rights” reveals exactly how civil rights enforcement by the executive branch over the last six years has fallen into a dangerous state of disrepair where the focus has turned to “reverse discrimination” rather than clear patterns and practices of discrimination against African Americans and other racial minorities. The panel of experts will discuss the critical civil rights issues in voting, education, housing, immigration, and communications policies and share recommendations on how to strengthen civil rights enforcement and put the nation back on track in reclaiming the promise of equal opportunity for all.
Featured Panelists:
Bill Taylor, President, Citizens’ Commission on Civil Rights
Mark Lloyd, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress
Peter Zamora, Regional Counsel, Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund
Richard Ugelow, Practitioner-in-Residence, Washington College of Law, American University
Moderated by:
Cassandra Butts, Senior Vice President for Domestic Policy, Center for American Progress