In the same way charismatic individuals attract followers, charismatic organizations draw dedicated donors and committed champions. These groups don’t depend on charismatic leaders – rather, they strengthen their core and build strong networks of support within and around themselves.
In The Charismatic Organization, experts Shirley Sagawa and Deborah Jospin show nonprofits of all types how to restructure their organizations, internally and externally, to become more charismatic—and more effective.
At this book event, co-authors Shirley Sagawa and Deb Jospin will share their research on "charismatic organizations" and how to apply these lessons even during an economic downturn.
Copies of The Charismatic Organzation will be available for purchase at the event.
Featured Authors:
Deborah Jospin, co-author, The Charismatic Organization
Shirley Sagawa, co-author, The Charismatic Organization; visiting fellow, Center for American Progress