Past Event

Supreme Injustices

12:00 - 1:30 PM EDT

The power to nominate judges to the Supreme Court and the federal courts of appeal gives our presidents the opportunity to make their influence felt long after they leave office. How have President Bush’s nominations affected the direction and ideological makeup of the courts?

The Alliance for Justice and the Center for American Progress invite you to a panel discussion and a screening of "Supreme Injustices," a provocative short documentary produced by the Alliance for Justice on the first full term of the Roberts Court. Hosted by Emmy award-winner Bradley Whitford, "Supreme Injustices" introduces viewers to Lilly Ledbetter, an Alabama worker whose pay discrimination suit was rejected by a sharply divided Court, and profiles children and parents from the Louisville, Kentucky schools, whose efforts to promote integration were struck down by the Court.

Special introduction:
Nan Aron, President, Alliance for Justice

Featured Panelists:
David Frum, Resident Fellow, American Enterprise Institute and Contributing Editor, National Review
Roger Wilkins, Clarence J. Robinson Professor of History and American Culture, George Mason University

Moderated by:
Mark Agrast, Senior Fellow, Center for American Progress