There is growing recognition that the way we compensate teachers isn’t helping states and districts attract or retain effective teachers, particularly in struggling schools. Over the last couple of years, policy makers have responded by implementing a number of alternative compensation strategies, including pay for performance. What can we learn from these recent efforts to inform future policies and programs? What are the key elements of promising programs?
Join us for a lively discussion of two new papers from the Center for American Progress about effective strategies for reforming teacher compensation. The first by Joan Baratz-Snowden looks at the factors driving the adoption of performance pay programs as well as the elements of the Denver school system’s successful effort to implement a radically different pay plan which was created with the full cooperation and involvement of the local union. The second by Robin Chait examines recent developments in state programs to reform teacher pay. This event will feature comments from experts who have been intimately involved in policy development and implementation of local teacher compensation programs.
Featured Panelists:
Joan Baratz-Snowden, President, Education Study Center
Robin Chait, Senior Education Policy Analyst, Center for American Progress
Stacey Hunt, Teacher Advancement Program Manager, Chicago Public Schools
Brad Jupp, Senior Academic Policy Advisor, Denver Public Schools
Moderated by:
Cynthia G. Brown, Director of Education Policy, Center for American Progress