Conservative legislators in Congress and across the states have launched a quiet assault on women’s health and reproductive rights while the nation is consumed by economic and budget battles. The conservative vision for American women is stark, from restrictions on access to abortion and family planning to attempts to redefine rape and cut funds for low-income women and children.
What are conservatives trying to pull off with this assault on women? What are the real threats and what are distractions? How should progressives work together to stop these efforts and protect women’s health and rights? What are the opportunities for progressives to turn this assault into new activism on behalf of women’s rights?
Join us for an important discussion about policy choices facing progressives with Amy Dacey, executive director of Emily’s List, one of the nation’s most important pro-choice advocacy organizations.
PROGRESSIVISM ON TAP is a lecture and discussion series founded by the Progressive Studies Program at the Center for American Progress, focused on the history and intellectual traditions of progressivism and liberalism. The goal of PROGRESSIVISM ON TAP is to provide an informal forum for budding activists and professionals to explore the political values and theoretical debates within the broader progressive tradition and to apply those lessons to contemporary political discourse.
The speakers, lectures, and debates covered within the series are designed to examine why we believe what we believe as progressives, who the most important thinkers and icons are within the movement’s history, where progressives differ on intellectual grounds, and what the theoretical foundations are for many of our current policy and activism efforts.
We aim to help young people and activists engage their traditions not just in Washington but in other similar programs with progressives in communities across the country. As the program develops, we hope to help others launch PROGRESSIVISM ON TAP salons in cities and towns across the country in local settings that are relaxed, inviting, informative, deliberative, and open to new ideas.