The attacks of 9/11 left a permanent mark on the psyche of the American people. For those who were in middle or high school or just starting college in 2001, their lives and worldviews were changed by the attacks in a way that no other event could compare in the most formative years of their young lives. How do they view the role of America in the world? Did they see a change in the culture and temperament of this country? And did the attacks change what it meant for them to be an American? From the media they consume to the career paths they choose, the 9/11 Generation will shape American policy and identity in the coming decades, just as they were shaped by that fateful day.
Please join us for a lively conversation on millennials and growing up post-9/11.
Eleni Towns, Research Assistant, Faith and Progressive Policy Initiative, Center for American Progress
Matthew Yglesias, Fellow, Center for American Progress Action Fund
Featured panelists:
Alyssa Rosenberg, Culture Blogger, Think Progress
Adam Serwer, Reporter, Mother Jones
Aloysius "Ish" Boyle, Captain, USMC
Zeenat Rahman, Deputy Director, Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives, USAID