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The requirements for obtaining a teaching license in most states do not ensure that teachers are prepared to be successful in the classroom. Moreover, the requirements are different for every state, inhibiting teacher mobility and failing to provide a common standard of excellence for the teaching profession.
One potential approach for raising the bar for licensure and creating a common standard for entry into the profession is the performance assessment. A group of 20 states have recently joined together under the auspices of the American Association of Colleges of Teacher Education, or AACTE, and the Council of Chief State School Officers, or CCSSO, to pilot a common version of an initial licensing assessment that could be used nationwide as a requirement for teacher licensure. This assessment is based on a model used by many teacher preparation programs in California.
Yet the concept of a performance assessment as a gateway to licensure is in its infancy. Will it differentiate among teachers in ways that teacher evaluation systems have failed to do? Will it inform teacher preparation and professional development? Join us for a conversation with practitioners, researchers, and policymakers that have been involved in this effort. We will be releasing a paper by Linda Darling-Hammond that discusses the ways in which teacher performance assessments can be used to strengthen licensure, teacher preparation, and instructional practice.
Introduction by:
Cynthia G. Brown, Vice President for Education Policy, Center for American Progress
Featured Speakers:
Linda Darling-Hammond, Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education, Stanford University
Thomas Kane, Deputy Director for Research and Data, Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Professor of Education and Economics, Harvard Graduate School of Education
Peter McWalters, Interim Strategic Initiative Director, Education Workforce, Council of Chief State School Officers
Charles Peck, Professor of Teacher Education and Special Education, University of Washington
Thomas Prieto, Coach, Success for All Foundation
Moderated by:
Robin Chait, Associate Director for Teacher Quality, Center for American Progress
For a full transcript click here.