"Brick by Brick: A Civil Rights Story" follows three families in a contemporary American battle for equal opportunity. One city’s struggle over racial discrimination and how to redress institutional housing segregation is shown in a confrontation that challenges and changes Yonkers, New York.
Drawn deeply into the conflict, the people in "Brick by Brick: A Civil Rights Story" show how contemporary America confronts the issues of race and opportunity today. Through their city’s crucible they deal with the meaning of civil rights in a contemporary context.
This story describes the racial and class divisions still running through American hearts and minds, and the important role of political activism and leadership in bridging them.
Watch the trailer here.
Featured Panelists:
Gene Capello, Assistant General Counsel, Pfizer Inc.
Andrew Jakabovics, Associate Director for Economic Mobility Program, Center for American Progress
Bill Kavanagh, Director, "Brick by Brick: A Civil Rights Story"
Moderated by:
Melody Barnes, Executive Vice President for Policy, Center for American Progress