With the passage of two key political milestones—the August 31 withdrawal of American combat forces from Iraq and Afghanistan’s September 18 parliamentary elections—please join the Center for American Progress for a discussion about U.S. leadership, the reliability of partners, and the role and utility of multilateral institutions. Our panelists will address how the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan have impacted the legitimacy and effectiveness of the United Nations and other multilateral institutions, whether multilateral institutions are becoming more or less relevant in the promotion of U.S. national security, and how President Obama’s aspirational references to international engagement and partnering play out in practice.
Moderated by:
Caroline Wadhams, Director for South Asia Security Studies, Center for American Progress and and recently returned from Afghanistan, where she served as an election observer in Afghanistan’s parliamentary elections for Democracy International.
Featured panelists:
Scott Malcomson, Foreign Affairs Editor,The New York Times Magazine, and author, Generation’s End: A Personal Memoir of American Power after 9/11 (Potomac Press, September 2010)
John Norris, Executive Director, Sustainable Security and Peacebuilding Initiative, Center for American Progress
Mark Quarterman, Director and Senior Adviser, Post Conflict Reconstruction Project, Center for Strategic & International Studies
For a full transcript click here.