Five years after mortgage giants Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were placed under the control of the federal government, our country’s conversation about housing policy and the government’s role in the mortgage market is finally moving forward.
The outcomes of this conversation will shape our country and economy for decades to come. The reform choices we make now could provide credit to a broad and diverse population, increase the supply of affordable apartments, and result in a larger, more stable housing market. Or they could create an environment in which credit and housing choices are more costly, more limited, and less sustainable, especially for minority and low- and moderate-income households and communities.
These choices are sometimes quite technical, but they have profound consequences for the future strength of our economy, housing market, and the opportunities for millions of families. To promote a better-informed, richer discussion, the CAP Housing Team has developed four fact sheets that explain the federal government’s current role in housing finance, recommend core principles for reform, and provide basic information on some technical issues.
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