Center for American Progress

The Importance of Assuring Affordable Health Care for All

The Importance of Assuring Affordable Health Care for All

CAP Action Senior Fellow Judy Feder testifies on the importance of assuring affordable health care for all Americans.

Chris Taylor, a doctor, left, examines the ear of Richard Alvarez at the Las Palmas Health Clinic in Sacramento, CA. Lack of affordable health insurance undermines the health and economic security of many Americans. (AP/Rich Pedroncelli)
Chris Taylor, a doctor, left, examines the ear of Richard Alvarez at the Las Palmas Health Clinic in Sacramento, CA. Lack of affordable health insurance undermines the health and economic security of many Americans. (AP/Rich Pedroncelli)

CAP Action Senior Fellow Judy Feder testifies before the House Energy and Commerce Committee Subcommittee on Health. Read the full testimony (CAPAF).

I am honored to be here today to testify on the importance of assuring affordable health care for all Americans. As you well know, health reform is critical to restoring prosperity for our nation’s families. Reform means reducing the crushing burden of rising health care costs on America’s families, businesses, and governments at all levels. Achieving that goal requires streamlining Medicare and refocusing our health care delivery system on prevention, primary care, and treatments that work. But it also requires that everyone, all the time, have affordable health insurance—regardless of where they work, their income, their age, or their health status. Affordable health insurance is the key to a productive work force, small business innovation, and the economic as well as health security of our nation’s families. My focus today is on those families: how lack of affordable health insurance undermines their health and economic security and how health reform can and must assure affordability in order to restore families’—and the nation’s—well-being.

CAP Action Senior Fellow Judy Feder testifies before the House Energy and Commerce Committee Subcommittee on Health. Read the full testimony (CAPAF).

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