Center for American Progress

‘As quick as 5 minutes in California or as grueling as 11 hours in Texas’: Research reveals new post-Dobbs map of abortion access driving times
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‘As quick as 5 minutes in California or as grueling as 11 hours in Texas’: Research reveals new post-Dobbs map of abortion access driving times

Sara Estep writes about CAP research on abortion access driving times.

Among the issues voters list as top of mind ahead of recent elections, two consistently stand out: abortion access and the economy. Frustratingly, our society often frames these as separate issues—even though we know economic growth for everyone depends on economic stability for women, which is inherently enmeshed with reproductive freedom.

I recently examined how localized restrictions to abortion access affect the amount of time it takes a woman to drive to a clinic for reproductive care. What I found exposes the false dichotomy between economic prosperity and abortion access for what it is.

The above excerpt was originally published in Fortune. Click here to view the full article.

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Sara Estep

Associate Director


Women’s Initiative

The Women’s Initiative develops robust, progressive policies and solutions to ensure all women can participate in the economy and live healthy, productive lives.

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