Center for American Progress

: A New National Approach to Career Navigation for Working Learners
Past Event

A New National Approach to Career Navigation for Working Learners

10:00 AM - 2:00 PM EDT

The purpose of this meeting is to engage key thought leaders in career education, higher education, and workforce development to establish a common policy agenda for career navigation for working learners. After a presentation on the career navigation framework presented in the CAP paper, "A New Approach to Career Navigation for Working Learners", we will discuss and explore three specific questions:

1. Can we agree to a joint policy statement on the strategic importance of career navigation in 21st century career education, higher education, and workforce development systems?

2. Can we agree to a joint policy statement on the framework for a career navigation system similar to the one developed in the paper?

3. Can we agree to identify upcoming legislative policy opportunities that it would work on together, given agreement on numbers 1 and 2?

CAP would like to follow up the meeting with a working document outlining areas of agreement for group review and to share with relevant legislative and administration leaders.