Center for American Progress

If Mueller didn’t follow the money, Congress must: There are huge red flags regarding potential Russian financial improprieties in the election
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If Mueller didn’t follow the money, Congress must: There are huge red flags regarding potential Russian financial improprieties in the election

Max Bergmann and Jeremy Venook write about why Congress needs to investigate potential financial red flags when it comes to Russia's involvement in the 2016 election.

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report may be the most damning document ever released about an American president. It outlines clear efforts to obstruct justice and is a seemingly exhaustive catalogue of Trump campaign contacts with Russian actors, all while Russia waged a “sweeping and systemic” attack on our political system.

But the report barely mentions one incredibly important subject: money. Yet following the money is critical to the Russia investigation.

The above excerpt was originally published in Daily News. Click here to view the full article.

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Max Bergmann

Former Senior Fellow

Jeremy Venook

Research Associate