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Kickbacks, conflicts of interest, multimillion-dollar out-of-court settlements, high-profile resignations and suspensions under a veil of shame – if only we could throw in an illicit affair. It’s hard to believe we are talking about something as unsexy as student loans.

Ninety percent of students who receive loans choose their lender based on their school’s recommendation. In an age where students leave college with an average of more than $19,000 in loan debt, students should be able to count on their schools for impartial and helpful advice as they navigate a complicated and stressful process.

But beneath the unsavory revelations of the past several months, there is a deeper scandal lurking: Even more appalling than the misbehavior of a handful of loan officers is how careless and wasteful our government is in its efforts to provide greater opportunity and financial relief.

Read more here.

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