Every Student Succeeds Act


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Lessons Learned From the Investing in Innovation Program Report
 (A teacher helps a student who is reviewing for a geometry final in a Greeley, Colorado, high school, December 2016.)

Lessons Learned From the Investing in Innovation Program

The i3 program’s support for the evaluation and growth of promising innovations should be part of increased investments in educational research and development.

Neil Campbell, Abby Quirk

College Signing Days Reflect a Future Worth Celebrating Article
High school graduates throw their caps into the air at the closure of commencement on June 14, 2013. (Getty/Dorann Weber)

College Signing Days Reflect a Future Worth Celebrating

Getting high school students to and through college requires K-12 school systems to invest more in comprehensive college preparation efforts.

Sarah Shapiro, Neil Campbell

School Accountability in First-Round ESSA State Plans Fact Sheet

School Accountability in First-Round ESSA State Plans

Sixteen states and Washington, D.C., submitted plans to the Education Department for school accountability under ESSA.

Samantha Batel, Laura Jimenez

Learning Mindsets and Skills Report

Learning Mindsets and Skills

The Every Student Succeeds Act provides new opportunities for school leaders to cultivate students’ learning mindsets.

Ulrich Boser, Perpetual Baffour

Increased Opt-In Rates Boost Confidence in Higher Student Achievement Rates Article
A teacher high fives a student at an elementary school in Miami, September 1, 2011. (AP/J Pat Carter)

Increased Opt-In Rates Boost Confidence in Higher Student Achievement Rates

As testing opt-out loses steam and students make large gains in reading and math, advocates of the Common Core State Standards have greater confidence that more students are achieving to higher standards.

Laura Jimenez, Coleton Whitaker, Samantha Batel

Designing Accountability Report

Designing Accountability

The Center for American Progress models three school identification system designs to help states measure and rate school performance.

Laura Jimenez, Scott Sargrad, Samantha Batel, 1 More Catherine Brown

A New Vision for School Accountability Report

A New Vision for School Accountability

This report presents a framework for school accountability systems that achieve college and career readiness for all students.

Laura Jimenez, Scott Sargrad

Innovation in Accountability Report

Innovation in Accountability

The Every Student Succeeds Act gives states the opportunity to broaden their vision of accountability and create school classification systems using new measures of school quality or student success.

Samantha Batel, Scott Sargrad, Laura Jimenez

7 Tenets for Sustainable School Turnaround Report
Getting this turnaround work right is important now more than ever, particularly as the Every Student Succeeds Act gives states greater autonomy to support their lowest-performing schools. (CAP/Pete Morelewicz)

7 Tenets for Sustainable School Turnaround

CAP and ERS outline sustainable turnaround practices for state policymakers and recommend the appropriate roles for the federal government, states, districts, and schools to play in supporting successful turnaround efforts.

Scott Sargrad, Samantha Batel, Karen Hawley Miles, 1 More Karen Baroody

7 Tenets to Sustain Successful School Turnaround Fact Sheet
Public school buses are parked in Springfield, Illinois. (AP/Seth Perlman)

7 Tenets to Sustain Successful School Turnaround

This fact sheet provides a guide for state policymakers to improve their most struggling schools.

Scott Sargrad, Samantha Batel, Karen Hawley Miles, 1 More Karen Baroody

Better Evidence, Better Choices, Better Schools Report
There are eight key ways that states can help school districts make decisions based on evidence and improve their lowest-performing schools.

Better Evidence, Better Choices, Better Schools

This report outlines eight key ways that states can help school districts make decisions based on evidence and improve their lowest-performing schools.

Steve Fleischman, Caitlin Scott, Scott Sargrad

Explore the Data for ‘Making the Grade’ Interactive

Explore the Data for ‘Making the Grade’

Learn about next-generation school accountability systems and explore which indicators states currently use to hold schools accountable. This report is designed to help states as they build new systems to comply with the Every Student Succeeds Act, which requires states to consider a broader range of measures for student and school success.

Carmel Martin, Scott Sargrad, Samantha Batel

Making the Grade Report
State accountability systems vary in complexity, and while the majority of states have surpassed the requirements of No Child Left Behind, nearly all states will need to make adjustments to comply fully with the Every Student Succeeds Act. (CAP/Pete Morelewicz)

Making the Grade

State accountability systems vary in complexity, and while the majority of states have surpassed the requirements of No Child Left Behind, nearly all states will need to make adjustments to comply fully with the Every Student Succeeds Act.

Carmel Martin, Scott Sargrad, Samantha Batel

Implementing the Every Student Succeeds Act Report
A second-grader eagerly asks to be called on in a language arts class, October 2015. (AP/Rogelio V. Solis)

Implementing the Every Student Succeeds Act

States have an opportunity to use the new flexibility embedded in ESSA to develop stronger testing systems without the pressure of NCLB’s exclusive focus on summative tests.

Catherine Brown, Ulrich Boser, Scott Sargrad, 1 More Max Marchitello

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