Doing What Works


Concentrating on U.S. Competitiveness Video

Concentrating on U.S. Competitiveness

Jitinder Kohli discusses how to enhance U.S. competitiveness.

Jitinder Kohli

The Public Opinion Paradox Video

The Public Opinion Paradox

Americans speak out about what they think is and isn't working in government, and what they want the government to do about it.

Ask the Expert: What Are Tax Expenditures? Video

Ask the Expert: What Are Tax Expenditures?

Sima Gandhi explains tax expenditures: what they are, what makes them different from other forms of government spending, and how we can rein them in.

Sima J. Gandhi

Ask the Expert: Big, New Ideas Video

Ask the Expert: Big, New Ideas

Jitinder Kohli explains why it's hard to innovate in government, what we need to do to bring big ideas back to the public sector, and how some people are already doing it.

Jitinder Kohli

Why Do We Give Oil Companies Such Large Subsidies? Video

Why Do We Give Oil Companies Such Large Subsidies?

Sima J. Gandhi explains why oil companies get such large government handouts, why they take such little responsibility when they cause disasters, and what we can do to hold them more responsible.

Sima J. Gandhi

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