Washington, D.C. — Today, House and Senate Democrats are introducing a package of policies designed to fight corruption in government and empower voters so that elected representatives are responsive and accountable to their constituents, not wealthy special interests. These policies would limit the financial power of corporate special interests and lobbyists in politics, strengthen ethics and campaign finance requirements, and crack down on dark money and foreign money in our elections. The plan would also implement small donor “citizen-funded elections,” enact pro-voter policies such as automatic voter registration, fight gerrymandering, and improve election security. These are policies for which CAP has advocated for several years.
In response, Neera Tanden, president and CEO of the Center for American Progress, issued the following statement:
The Democrats’ bold reform package is a giant step forward in fighting corruption and making Washington, D.C., work for the people instead of special interests. Voters know that the price we pay for the current distorted political system is failure to make progress on issues that matter to American families, like good jobs and higher wages. The reforms in this package would restructure the rules to fight corruption and fight for fair representation so Congress is truly responsive and accountable to people. These policies will limit the power of corporate special interests, including a ban on lobbyists fundraising for members of Congress and candidates. Americans deserve a government that works for them.
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For more information on this topic or to speak with an expert, please contact Sam Hananel at [email protected] or 202.478.6327.