Washington, D.C. — The Center for American Progress has announced that former Israeli Defense Forces Brigadier General Shlomo Brom will be joining CAP’s National Security and International Policy Team as a visiting fellow. He will work with other researchers and policy experts to provide expert insight into U.S.-Israeli relations, Middle East security issues, and the Iranian nuclear program.
“Never has the need been greater for a well-informed and nuanced understanding of security issues in the Middle East,” said CAP Vice President for National Security and International Policy Vikram Singh. “General Brom’s deep knowledge of regional security will be a great asset as CAP develops ideas that might help bring greater stability and peace to this troubled region.”
General Brom joins the team working on the Middle East led by Senior Fellows Brian Katulis and Hardin Lang; the team has produced a series of innovative analyses on U.S. policy in the Middle East in recent years. As a high-ranking Israeli Defense Forces, or IDF, officer Brom participated in peace negotiations with the Palestinians, Jordan, and Syria and in Middle Eastern regional security talks during the 1990s. He continued his negotiation work into the 2000s after retiring from the IDF.
He has authored and edited several books on the region, including South Lebanon: In the Absence of a Peace Treaty with Syria, The Middle East Military Balance 1999-2000, and The Middle East Military Balance 2001-2002. He is the editor of In the Aftermath of Operation Pillar of Defense: The Gaza Strip, November 2012 and co-editor of The Second Lebanon War: Strategic Perspectives and The Strategic Survey for Israel series.
For more information, please contact Tom Caiazza at 202.481.7141 or [email protected].