Center for American Progress

STATEMENT: Boushey: Flat August Jobs Figures Call for Policies that Boost Demand
Press Statement

STATEMENT: Boushey: Flat August Jobs Figures Call for Policies that Boost Demand

Washington, D.C.—Today, Heather Boushey, Senior Economist at the Center for American Progress, had the following reaction to the announcement of August’s unemployment figures:

The movement away from policies that boost demand and the manufactured crisis-of-choice over the debt ceiling this summer, in lieu of a real debate over how to boost employment, have taken their toll on workers and their families. Employers added no jobs in August. Government lay-offs continue to drag down the labor market, shedding another 17,000 workers, and, for those lucky enough to have a job, wages are falling. Further, there is no indication that employers intend to ramp up hiring any time soon, as both temporary hiring and employee’s hours were essentially flat. Given this state of affairs, key elements of the policy agenda should be investing in infrastructure, reducing lay-offs in key sectors such as education, and ensuring that benefits are available to the unemployed while they search for jobs.

To speak to Boushey about the monthly jobs report, contact Laura Pereyra at [email protected] or 202.203.8689.
