To read the full issue brief, click here.
Washington, D.C. — Today the Center for American Progress released “Withdrawing from the United Nations: A Misguided Assault: Multilateral Institution Serves Our National Security and Foreign Policy Interests While Saving Us Money” by Sarah Margon and John Norris to outline the reasons why, especially during these times of ongoing global turmoil, it is imperative that we work with the United Nations and resist efforts to reduce our financial contributions to this institution.
Though far from perfect, the United Nations reflects the commitment of its member states to tackle enormous challenges, like those present in Iraq and Afghanistan, and it represents a shared understanding that it is cheaper and more effective for countries to work together toward the same ends. Republican and Democratic presidents alike have supported the United Nations because it is in our direct national interest to build alliances with nontraditional partners and meet diplomatic and development priorities.
History shows that robust U.S. engagement is actually the best way to reform the institution. Due in part to U.S. leadership, a majority of the management-related reforms recommended by the 2005 Gingrich-Mitchell task force report on U.N. reform have been successfully implemented. Still more are underway.
Ironically, cutting funds now also means we are shifting our obligations onto future generations since U.N. membership still requires dues even if Congress cuts the budget. Restricting U.S. support for the United Nations ultimately has a much higher price tag than it does savings as doing so substantially decreases our political legitimacy while costing America money and jobs. U.N. funding on the chopping block, however, isolates America and makes us more vulnerable to global threats.
To read the full issue brief, click here.
To speak with Sarah Margon or John Norris, please contact Christina DiPasquale at 202.481.8181 or [email protected].