Center for American Progress

PRESS CALL ADVISORY: Anticipated Exchange Regs Mean Hope for Small Businesses, New Challenges for States
Press Advisory

PRESS CALL ADVISORY: Anticipated Exchange Regs Mean Hope for Small Businesses, New Challenges for States

Washington, D.C. — A new report being issued tomorrow, July 6, by the Center for American Progress and Small Business Majority outlines how states can create exchanges that work best for small businesses and offer them relief from rising health care costs. Small businesses, whose employees are about half of the nation’s uninsured, have seen premiums grow by more than 113 percent in the past decade. Exchanges can help address escalating health costs by providing affordable, high-quality health care coverage options and the Department of Health and Human Services is expected to release new exchange regulations soon.

A press call to discuss the report and the challenges of setting up health exchanges will be held tomorrow, July 6, at 12:00 p.m. EDT, featuring the report’s authors, Isabel Perera of the Center for American Progress and Terry Gardiner of Small Business Majority. Shawn Nowicki of HealthPass New York will also be on the call to provide an administrator’s perspective on exchange implementation, as will Mike Brey, a small-business owner who will discuss the potential he sees in state health exchanges.


Press call on new report detailing SHOP exchanges and the implementation process


Terry Gardiner — Vice President, Policy and Strategy, Small Business Majority

Mike Brey — Owner, Hobby Works in Laurel, Maryland

Shawn Nowicki — Director of Health Policy, Northeast Business Group on Health, HealthPass New York

Moderated by:

Isabel Perera — Special Assistant, Health Policy, Center for American Progress


Tomorrow, July 6, 2011, at 12:00 p.m. EDT

Call Info: 877.210.8943

Conference ID: 80881866

***Please note this call will be recorded. By dialing into this call you consent to be recorded.***


Small Business Majority is a national nonprofit organization focused on solving the biggest problems facing America’s 28 million small businesses. We conduct extensive opinion and economic research and work with small business owners, policy experts and elected officials nationwide to bring nonpartisan small business voices to the public policy table.